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Opportunities for Villages Music Festival Charitable Grants 2023

As in previous years, the Village Music Festival has sought to engage the community with performances and events which bring the joy of music into our villages. In its work, the VMF Trustees have sought to ensure that the delivery of performances is kept both economic and affordable. This has been achieved not only from the ticket sales of events, but also from the enormously kind donations from a number of benefactors, and a grant this year from the D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust.


We are pleased to tell you that the charity has generated yet again a surplus which it would like to make available to reinvest in relevant causes in our villages. It therefore looks forward to requests for funding for the benefit of our community, which meet the requirements of the Mission Statement of the Trust, namely:


To promote the arts for the public benefit in Ripe, Laughton and Chalvington in East Sussex, in particular by holding a music festival, incorporating music of all genres, and supporting and funding local arts activities.


All requests for funding should be made as follows:

  • Stating the usage of the funds in keeping with the Mission Statement (Maximum 400 words)

  • Advising what sum would be valued (up to a maximum of £1,000)

  • By email by 31st October to

The Trustees look forward to receiving your applications to enable the surplus funds to be put to best use for the community for disbursement by the end of November 2023.


Joan Royle

Director, Villages Music Festival

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